Jeanette Logan, Natural Wellness Coach
Specializing in Stress & Pain Relief,
Grief Guidance, and Body/Soul Fitness
for Optimal Health.
I work with health-minded women who are struggling with stress and pain due to changes they’re going through as they age, and I help them feel better and LIVE better so they can more fully enjoy their older years!
Is this for YOU?
You’ll benefit from one-on-one coaching with me if you feel a decreased quality of life because of any of the following:
- You have physical pain that limits your mobility
- You struggle with your weight, body image or emotional eating.
- You are grieving due to the loss of a loved one (human or animal)
- You feel like a hostage to your changing hormones
- You feel unstable and are scared of falling (balance issues)
- You have trouble sticking with healthy lifestyle habits
- You feel isolated and alone
- You lack joy and purpose in life
- You have a relentless inner critic
- You get easily overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious or afraid
- You have difficulty sleeping due to stress (not a medical issue)
What if?
What if you could release whatever is holding you back, rekindle your playful youthfulness and create a happier, healthier life? YOU CAN, and I’ll show you how!
What Qualifies Me To Do This Work With You?

I am a Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Senior Personal Trainer and Natural Wellness Coach with over 20 years of experience working with women over 50 who want to improve their body/mind/heart/spirit health and fitness. In addition, I have overcome many of my own painful, emotional struggles from the past so that I could create the continually expanding, fulfilling, healthy life I am blessed to be living today. The adventure continues. Click here to read my full bio

What Makes Me Unique?
I go beyond the typical diet and exercise plans and teach women how to treat themselves lovingly with kindness and compassion so they become inspired to actually do the things that bring the results they want. Rather than give advice, I help women clear the emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that contribute to their pain and suffering and any stuckness they may be experiencing with unwanted habits.
I love my work! My creative aliveness and playful passion for natural wellness ignite feelings of inner peace and happiness within my class members and clients. I feel honored and blessed to work with wise and wonderful Youthful Hearts who desire to make life a fun learning adventure at every age and who have the courage to transform themselves from the inside/out!
Mind/Body Tools
Empower Yourself
For those who are willing to be actively involved in their own recovery and are open to clearing emotional/mental blocks, EFT will very likely produce remarkable results. Many people have experienced complete relief of pain (including myself) associated with trauma and anxiety and easier accomplishment of desired life goals. Though some deep issues take more work, most people feel noticeably better after just one session, and with any necessary ongoing work, their transformation can prove to be nothing short of amazing.
EFT often works when other conventional methods haven’t because it clears the stress that blocks the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I love to empower women by using (and teaching them) this easy holistic self-care practice to assist them in successfully addressing their changing needs as they grow older.

Click on these pages for more info:
Please Note: I am not a licensed health care provider, counselor, or psychotherapist. I offer my services as a self-help educator, natural wellness coach and fitness trainer. I do not diagnose or treat illness, disease, or psychological problems. EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Energy Medicine Exercises are not a substitute for professional health care, but are considered complementary techniques. Information provided in this website is for general education and not intended to replace qualified medical or psychological advice.