It’s time for greater ease, comfort and capability in daily life. If you’ve been feeling tight, stiff, stressed or anxious then one of my classes might be just what you need! All of my classes (except line dancing) include full body stretching and guided relaxation. In fact, stretching and meditation are not only two of my favorite things to teach, but they are also my most inspired life practices.
Guided Meditation and Relaxation
During the last segment of my exercise classes you will be guided into deep relaxation and positive upliftment with breath and body awareness exercises and nurturing support. It’s time to let go of stress and tension and to allow yourself to feel good! Relax your whole body to the sound of peaceful music and my soothing voice. Slowing down to cultivate inner peace boosts our well being and helps us to better manage life’s challenges. Give yourself the gift of your own natural presence and experience joyful gratitude for the many blessings in your life. (On days when you’re not available to attend a full exercise class, you may drop in for just this meditation portion of class.)
Stretch Yourself!
Whether you attend one of my low-impact aerobics classes or strength training classes you’ll stretch your body from head to toes using a variety of safe exercises that can be easily adapted to individual needs and concerns. As a result, you may notice reduced back pain, improved posture, increased flexibility and better range of motion. Positively transform the way your body looks, feels and performs! I offer classes with or without work done on the floor. Mats and bands are provided.

Read Blog Post: Stretch Yourself To Better Health | Read Tips For: Your First Class
At Margaret Todd Senior Center, students have the option to attend just the 2nd half of the Fit and Fun Low Impact Aerobics class for a reduced fee. This portion of class includes stretching and a guided relaxation. Please contact me or the Margaret Todd Senior Center for more information on this option.