Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50!

Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Aliveness For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Free Guide from the National Institute on Aging

Get moving! This 120-page free guide describes the benefits of exercise and physical activity for older people. Learn how to set exercise goals and stick to them. Includes sample exercises for endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility and a list of resources.

 The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is part of the National Institutes of Health, and the goal of their research is to improve the health and well-being of older adults!
Visit the National Institute on Aging website where you can request a complimentary  copy of a very informative and useful guide on exercise for older adults. It’s free, and you don’t even have to pay for the shipping! It’s an excellent resource that I highly recommend, and I just recently ordered one for my own mom and dad.  It really is free! Unbelievably awesome!!  Update on July 1, 2022: This book has been replaced by a free guide.
Click on the link below to visit the webpage where you can place your order. If you prefer to read it immediately then you can choose to download an online copy on the same webpage.
Take some time to browse the NIA website. You will find tons of educational support! Let me know if you like the book. Enjoy!

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