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Mango Madness Green Smoothie

Raw greens are some of the most nutritious foods that we can eat—loaded with a powerhouse of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, phytonutrients and fiber. Many people know they need to eat more healthy greens, but they dislike the taste of them. Green smoothies to the rescue! This yummy green smoothie recipe is great for green smoothie beginners who many not have an acquired taste for some of the stronger flavored greens.

Beginner Recipe: Mango Madness

mango for senior health

1 cup water
1 cup kale
1 mango

Directions: Blend the water and the kale until liquified. Add mango and blend again. Drink and enoy!
Yields: 3-4 cups (2 servings)

Why blended greens?

First of all, it’s a delicious and convenient way to get all of our servings of veggies everyday! But also, though greens are good for us, simply chewing them cannot release all of their amazing nutrition. All greens have cell walls composed of cellulose, which is very difficult for our bodies to digest in order to access the dense nutrients within the greens. Blending the greens helps to break apart plant-cell walls better than the most persistent chewing ever could.

The readily absorbable micronutrients in greens can:

  • rev energy
  • help with weight loss
  • improve digestion
  • detoxify the body
  • fight heart disease
  • help prevent diabetes and certain cancers
  • boost the immune system
  • help make skin and hair beautiful

Adding even just one one cup of green smoothie a day to your current diet can dramatically improve your health.

Do you like mango?  If so, I hope you’ll try this smoothie and let us know what you think below. Thanks!

Click here to read Jeanette’s green smoothie tips.

Click here for Jeanette’s Emerald Essence recipe.


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