Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50!

Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Aliveness For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Not Exercising is Risky Behavior

INACTIVITY is a major reason that some older adults lose their ability to do things on their own. In addition, lack of exercise combined with poor dietary habits is currently one of the largest underlying causes of death in the U.S. This is sad, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Just because we’re aging doesn’t mean that we have to experience a diminished quality of life.   When we make exercise a regular lifetime habit, we not only improve our daily capabilities, but we also FEEL better. Even moderate levels of physical activity can bring measurable improvements.

For many older adults, motivation to keep exercising comes easily. They say that regular physical activity helps them feel so good that they don’t want to stop.  However, some seniors are reluctant to start exercising because they believe that exercise is only for younger, more agile people. They’re afraid they’ll get hurt or anticipate feeling embarrassed in public.

The fact is that just about every older adult can do some form of safe exercise. If you’re not comfortable exercising in a public place, then begin by increasing your activity level in your own home. For many, having a friend or a group to exercise with helps keep them going. In which case, look for supportive activities and programs that are geared toward older adults.

Set Yourself Up For Success

It is my intention to help inspire more older adults to get up and get moving for better health. There are ways to set yourself up for success, starting from exactly where you are today! I’ve included some more practical tips below to support you on your health journey.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General’s report, you are more likely to feel motivated to exercise and stick to it for the long term if you:

  • think that, overall, you will benefit from them
  • include activities you enjoy
  • feel you can do the activities correctly and safely
  • have access to the activities on a regular basis
  • can fit the activities into your daily schedule
  • feel that the activities don’t impose financial or social costs you aren’t willing to take on
  • have few negative consequences from doing your activities (such consequences might include injury, lost time, and negative peer pressure)

If you’re new to exercise, take a minute to think carefully about the points in this brief list above before you start planning your exercises and activities.

“Americans will be more likely to change their behavior if they have a meaningful reward–something more than just reaching a certain weight or dress size. The real reward is invigorating, energizing, joyous health. It is a level of health that allows people to embrace each day and live their lives to the fullest without disease or disability.” ~VADM Regina M. Benjamin, M.D., M.B.A., Surgeon General

Does anything in this article resonate with you? Let us know below.


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