Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50!

Strength, Flexibility, Balance & Aliveness For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Welcome To My Youthful Hearts Blog

Hello there. Thank you so much for stopping by. I’m excited to be exploring this new blog platform. I must say, where computers are concerned,  I sometimes feel like the world is passing me by. Online media is still a bit overwhelming to me, which is one reason why I’ve been reluctant to get “connected.” I’m sure some of you can relate. But, as you can see, I’m taking steps to learn new things, and I’m having fun in the process! Who knows, maybe I’ll eventually set up a facebook page too. My own mom even has one now!  Go Mom! I guess you could call me the caboose of the computer train, in some regards.   🙂

My intention with this Youthful Hearts Blog is to share relevant body/mind/heart/spirit fitness info, in a variety of forms, that I feel will help us to feel good, have fun and be well (to put it shortly). In my own life, I’m dedicated to doing more than just survive. I want to thrive! And I bet you do too. This new blog has me excited for three main reasons:  One, I will now (hopefully) have a convenient online way to create more support for my class members. Two, I will gradually be able to reach a wider community that includes those who are not able to attend my Marin County local classes-yay! And, three, I feel it is likely going to be a creative and enjoyable experience. I’m all for that!

If you are interested in staying connected with me online, then I invite you to subscribe to my new Youthful Hearts Email Newsletter. It’s free. Just fill out the Sign-Up form at the top right of this page. I WILL NOT be sharing your email address with anyone, so your privacy is safe with me. And if you decide later that you no longer want to receive emails from me, you may unsubscribe at anytime. Whenever I make new blog posts, or have any other news to share, I will be letting you know by way of this newsletter.

Lastly, if anything that I or someone else posts here on this blog ever speaks to you, I hope that you’ll feel inspired to share a few words with us by leaving a reply below. You can rest assured that your email address will not be made visible to others, just whatever name you type in.  Your comments do not have to be long or well-versed. Just be yourself, and come from your heart. Often we can relate to one another through our successes and our challenges; you just never know who might benefit from what you have to say. I’m hopeful that my blog will become a source of valuable support for you, me and others as we continue on our wellness journeys.

All the best,
Jeanette Logan

P.S. While you’re browsing my new website (and I hope that you will),  if any technical issues arise for you, I would really appreciate you letting me know. I want to get any and all bugs worked out asap. Also, I would love to receive your feedback about my new website. What do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment below.  (Your email address will remain unpublished to other readers.) Thank you!


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